MusclePaX [Permanently Closed]

MusclePaX was created to be the ultimate monthly motivation package that would aid anyone to reach health and fitness related goals. The mission is to motivate you while also keeping you on track and be that little surprise delivery you look forward to every month as you never know what you may receive! The service provided by MusclePaX is refined after trying and testing all the similar subscription services out there. It has taken the same model people love and improved upon it.

Closed since January 2018

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This subscription box has closed. Out of business. Bit the dust. Punched their last ticket. Yes, we've heard this box has shut down and is no longer available. Are we wrong? Contact us to let us know.

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Want to know about MusclePaX anyway? Here's what we knew about them:

Although there are many subscription services very similar, MusclePaX hopes to be more than just some supplements shoved into a box each month. The aim is to help you reach your health and fitness goals, be that little boost each month that gets you through to the next and keep you on track! It’s important to mix things up now and then as constantly training in the same routine and having a strict diet regime can get your body and mind into a rut. Trying new supplements, snacks and seasoning coupled with a new workout, recipe to try and access to planning materials will really boost your motivational outlook and be the catalyst into your body and mind questioning what the hell is going on! (which is a good thing) It’s almost like a cheat meal but one that covers all bases, your training, nutrition and mentality.

MusclePaX is more than just supplement samples to your door every month. The addition of seasoning alone makes it even more interesting as diet plays a huge part in reaching specific nutrition goals, along with this a random workout and recipe is provided. You also get access to a password protected page on the website which allows you to download a range of planning materials. This subscriber only area includes a wide variety of discounts for the supplement products that have been featured in the current and previous months installments, so you can get more of the products you love!

MusclePaX was created to be the ultimate monthly motivation package that would aid anyone to reach health and fitness related goals. The mission is to motivate you while also keeping you on track and be that little surprise delivery you look forward to every month as you never know what you may receive! The service provided by MusclePaX is refined after trying and testing all the similar subscription services out there. It has taken the same model people love and improved upon it.

The MusclePaX subscription starts as a pay monthly service at £21.99. Further packages are available that work out cheaper per pack depending on the length of subscription you choose.

MusclePaX is ideal for anyone looking to get motivated for health and fitness! If you love the gym and want to improve your physique, play rugby and want to boost your performance or your profession requires you to be physically fit then MusclePaX can help. MusclePaX is also available as a one-off gift purchase which also includes an item of clothing. Currently only available in the UK.

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