Fanchest reviews

Each chest has unique merchandise, gear, apparel, some signed memorabilia, and chances to win tickets to games and other cool prizes.

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Each chest has unique merchandise, gear, apparel, some signed memorabilia, and chances to win tickets to games and other cool prizes.

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Our subscription box listings feature real customer reviews. Subscribers rate a box based on value, appearance, and other aspects, as well as providing comments and feedback about their experience with customer service. Our subscription box reviews provide a more accurate overview of boxes than from bloggers. We check all reviews are genuine. Want to leave your view? Write your review below.

Verified Review - January 2019


By Jill

I ordered 2 of these for Christmas. They sent an email with tracking. Only 1 arrived. I wrote them questioning it, because 1 box, 1 tracking etc…I reached out before Christmas, because I had 2 different teams, one for my husband and 1 for a son. I was told they wouldn’t be able to get it to me before Christmas. I asked if they could overnight it, being I never received. I ordered these, and “they” were shipped on Dec 8th. I was told, it would arrive on Dec 26 or 27th. I wrote once again on the 28th. I didn’t hear back. On the 29th it finally arrived (Saturday…was told Wed or Thurs). On Monday (Dec 31st) I finally got a reply, that it WAS delivered on Sat the 29th. Yeah…I know it was FINALLY Delivered. I got no apologies, no discount…NOTHING. Awful. I will not ever order from here again. Oh, and both boxes, had a golden ticket, both of 15% off future order. But, everyone receives 15% future orders. Only good thing is that the products were decent quality.

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